We can help you.

Women’s Health

Millions of women suffer from conditions affecting the bladder and urinary tract including urinary tract infections, urinary leakage (incontinence), overactive bladder, frequency, and difficulty with urination. Unfortunately, these conditions can become more common with age and have significant impacts on well-being and quality of life. We understand the unique health needs of women and have multiple providers devoted specifically to women’s health. Our team is continually working to identify solutions for all of your urologic needs.

We pride ourselves in taking a comprehensive view of your health and developing a plan tailored to your needs, including the most current treatment options available. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation!

(Listed below are some of the many conditions we treat.)

Common Conditions We Treat

Overactive Bladder

As many as 40% of women in the U.S. live with symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB). OAB is a group of urinary symptoms most commonly associated with the urge to urinate, the need to frequently urinate, and occasionally urinary leakage. It is not a normal part of aging. OAB can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It can disrupt your work, sleep and even your social life. It doesn’t have to be that way.

We offer many medical options for OAB. When medication is not sufficient, we offer multiple other surgical or procedural interventions including Botox® injections, Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) including implantable peripheral neurostimulator, and Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM).

Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system. Most infections affect the bladder and urethra, and cause bladder pain, burning with urination, frequency and urgency. All

of these symptoms can be very bothersome and painful. An untreated infection can spread to the kidneys and lead to much more severe consequences including fevers, hospitalization and chronic kidney failure.

We offer advanced diagnostic testing to better identify pathogens causing UTIs. With improved technology we are able to more accurately fight infections and personalize your therapy. We have multiple experts in UTI prevention that can work with you to help decrease your risk for future recurrences.

Incontinence (leakage of urine)

No matter your age, urinary incontinence can be a devastating problem. It can be embarrassing and very difficult to talk about, but fortunately there are many treatment options available.

There are multiple types of urinary incontinence but the two most common are stress and urge (or sometimes a combination of both). Stress incontinence refers to urinary leakage with laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc. It is best treated with physical therapy or surgery. We work closely with local pelvic floor physical therapists to help alleviate your symptoms. When physical therapy is not enough, we offer outpatient surgical procedures such as sling procedures.

Urge incontinence occurs when you have a strong, sudden need to urinate that is difficult to delay. Medication is often the first option for treatment, but when it is not enough we are able to offer a variety of procedural and surgical interventions to help.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stone attacks are so painful that they can prevent you from working or doing the activities that you enjoy. We offer prompt evaluation to get you pain free and back to doing what you love. Our ambulatory surgery center, Spring Park Surgery Center, offers a complete array of kidney stone treatments including extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and laser lithotripsy. Lithotripsy is the process of breaking up stones into fragments so they can pass through the urinary tract. Spring Park Surgery Center is the only site in the Quad Cities region that has an onsite ESWL.

Our surgeons have flexibility in determining which treatment is best for your kidney stone. Most stones can be treated on an outpatient basis, without the need for expensive hospitalization or ER visits. Furthermore, once your initial kidney stone has been treated, we have experts in stone prevention that can work with you to help decrease your risk for future recurrences.

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